October 28th, 2024 Meeting
President Dennis Pratt called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at KroBar.
Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Paul Helbach, Glen Hill, Courtney Johnson, Mick Killoren, Ken Lundberg, Dennis Pratt, Mike Sierszen, Den Smet, Jeff Stollenwerk, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko and Dean Wellman.
Minutes of the September Meeting: The minutes as written in the October newsletter were approved following a motion by Ed Chaplinski, second by Courtney Johnson and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported that September’s beginning balance was $9,102.19, and the ending balance was $11,900.82 with the following expenses: Pro Print (August Newsletter) $28.59; Computing Done Right (Professional email) $180.00; Computing Done Right (Web host service) $361.00; Katie Thompson (September Newsletter) $200.00; Pro Print (September Newsletter) $40.59; Transfer to Savings (July transfer error correction) $610.00; Transfer to Savings (August Donations) $575.00. The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Ken Lundberg, second by Dean Wellman and unanimous approval by voice vote. Financial Secretary Dean Wellman reported that there were $120.00 in total deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and that the Club had 2 new members. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Jim Waletzko and a second by Den Smet and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Committee Reports
Legislative, Habitat and Audit: Nothing to report.
Education: Dennis Smet – Eggs will be eyed up the last week in November. There is a new contact person at the Iron River fish hatchery this year. Northwestern Middle School has already expressed interest.
Scholarship: Mike Sierszen/Paul Helbach – Nothing for College. Northwestern High has requested the Scholarship for next year. Paul is working on getting a bio from our Northwestern High Scholarship recipient, Jay Kaufman.
Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – Ed said he talked to two customers at the St Croix Fly Shop after last month’s meeting on his way back and they expressed interest in joining.
Social Media: Mike Zicus/Dennis Pratt – Pratt – November newsletter items – possible articles discussed were total volunteer hours, photos of this year’s projects, Club Store items for Christmas, and membership renewals.
Other Business
Call for Nominations – Board members whose term ends in December: Zivic, Sierszen, Waletzko and Hill. Nominations were approved following a motion by Dean Wellman and a second by Mike Sierszen and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Online Meetings – Video Conferencing software will be used for Club Meetings for November, January, and February. These will start at 6pm and end at 6:30pm.
Fly of the Month – Will resume in our March newsletter. Flies have already been chosen for March, April, May and June.
Club Store Prices Review – The poster and baseball caps will increase by $5. This is a result of increased costs for the Club. This was approved following a motion by Dean Wellman and a second by Ed Chaplinski and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Upcoming Events – Please check our Club Calendar for the latest events.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:39 PM.
Recorded by Walt Swanson