May 22nd, 2023 Meeting

President Dennis Pratt called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at Kro Bar.

Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Paul Helbach, Glen Hill, Courtney Johnson, Mick Killoren, Ken Lundberg, Dennis Pratt, Mike Sierszen, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko, Dean Wellman, Mike Zicus and Ken Zivic.

Minutes of the April Meeting: The minutes as written in the May newsletter were approved following a motion by Ken Lundberg, second by Ken Zivic and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: President Dennis Pratt reported for Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk that April’s beginning balance was $23,658.84, and the ending balance was $24,289.09 with the following expenses: ProPrint (April Newsletter – $30.16); Katie Thompson (April Newsletter – $200.00); Transfer to Saving (March Donations – $385.00). The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Jim Waletzko, second by Dean Wellman and unanimous approval by voice vote. Financial Secretary Dean Wellman reported that there was $1,245.41 in total deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and that the Club had no new members and 12 renewals. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Mike Zicus and a second by Mick Killoren.

Committee Reports

Legislative: Ken Lundberg – Looking good for the Brule River hatchery to get funding shortly.

Habitat: Dennis Pratt – About 600 trees (500 tamarack and some black spruce) were planted on May 20th. Nine members volunteered and lunch cost was $168.40. A suggestion was made to purchase the following items: chainsaw, tree planting bars, mattocks, pry bars, and silt fence for use in future projects. This was approved following a motion by Walt Swanson and a second by Ken Lundberg.

Audit: Jeff Stollenwerk – Nothing at this time.

Education: Dennis Pratt made the suggestion to develop a possible sticker for 6th graders next year. Ed Chaplinski will check with the company that recently made the summer hats on this.

Scholarship: Mike Sierszen/Paul Helbach – Mike reported that there were only 11 applicants this year. None had a connection to the river or were Club members. The Scholarship Committee met immediately preceding the regular Club meeting to discuss candidates and decide on their recommendation for this year’s recipient of the College Scholarship. Ms. Kayla Reed, a junior at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point with a double-major in fisheries and water resources was recommended by the committee. The committee’s recommendation was approved by a motion by Ken Lundberg and a second by Dean Wellman followed by unanimous approval.  Paul Helbach reported that Brinley Tonn was selected as this year’s Northwestern High Scholarship recipient.

Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – Dennis said that he may have recruited a new member before the meeting started.  Jim Waletzko and Ed Chaplinski continue to distribute paper newsletters to prospective members.

Social Media: Mike Zicus/Dennis Pratt – June newsletter articles: Cleanup; Tree planting; and South Shore Grade update.

Other Business

Spring Clean-up: Dennis Pratt reported for Dennis Smet that it was a beautiful day. 30 individuals volunteered and 5 even cleaned up certain areas before the scheduled day. Total expenditure for the day was $413.94.

Fly of the Month: Dean Wellman – Brown drake provided by Club member Paul Stillmank.

Establishment of a Club Email: Mike Zicus/Walt Swanson – Three new email addresses were created to transition from the use of personal emails and help the Club archive emails based on best practices. You will start seeing these being used soon.

South Shore Grade Culvert Removal Progress: All permits are in place to start this summer. Will be getting current progress report from Paul Piszczek at the Brule River Preservation Memorial Day meeting. This report will be emailed to the Club board and a short summary will be in the June newsletter.

Family Fun Day: To be held August 19th from 10AM to 3PM. Still can use additional volunteers for the various activities.

Next Meeting Location: Discussion by all. Meetings will continue to be at Kro Bar. We will need to recognize and plan for dates that will conflict with Kro Bar special events.

Upcoming Events – Latest events will be posted on the Club Calendar

The business meeting adjourned at 6:59 PM.

Recorded by Walt Swanson