June 26th, 2023 Meeting

President Dennis Pratt called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at Kro Bar.

Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Paul Helbach, Glen Hill, Courtney Johnson, Dennis Pratt, Mike Sierszen, Dennis Smet, Jeff Stollenwerk, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko, Dean Wellman and Mike Zicus.

Minutes of the May Meeting: The minutes as written in the June newsletter were approved following a motion by Dennis Smet, second by Dean Wellman and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported that May’s beginning balance was $24,289.09, and the ending balance was $24,165.85 with the following expenses: Katie Thompson (May Newsletter) ($200.00); Northwestern HS Scholarship ($1,000.00); ProPrint (March Newsletter) ($30.16); ProPrint (May Newsletter 6-page – $53.58); Computing Done Right (email setup – $180.00); Dennis Smet (Cleanup Day Supplies/Lunch – $280.00); Dennis Pratt (Expenses 3/10-5/31 – $612.97).  The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Dean Wellman, second by Mike Zicus and unanimous approval by voice vote. Financial Secretary Dean Wellman reported that there were $1,233.47 in total deposits into the general fund in May and that the Club had two new members. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Walt Swanson and a second by Jim Waletzko and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Committee Reports 

Legislative: Ken Lundberg – Nothing to report.

Habitat: Dennis Pratt – APHIS trapper harvested two beavers at Beaupre spring pond and removed the dam, reducing the water level by two thirds. Three dams were seen from aerial fly over on the West Fork. The APHIS trapper harvested the beaver responsible for those and removed all the dams. In July, the habitat volunteers will be at the Beaupre Creek area removing alder bent over into the stream by the heavy snow last winter.  In August, removal the Angel Creek man-made pond is the planned project.

Audit: Jeff Stollenwerk – Nothing to report.

Education: Dennis Smet – Nothing to report.

Scholarship: Mike Sierszen/Paul Helbach – Paul introduced this year’s NW High School Scholarship recipient, Brinley Tonn. Brinley spoke briefly on her future plans.

Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – Ed has been talking will people he meets. He also suggested that we push membership at the family fun day. Jim has been distributing paper newsletters to places like the Superior Fly Angler.

Social Media: Mike Zicus/Dennis Pratt – July newsletter articles – Announce NWHS scholarship recipient, tree plant event and July and August Volunteer habitat projects announcement. Ed Chaplinski wrote a fishing narrative about fishing the Brule since 1960, and Dennis Pratt typed it up.

Other Business

Fly of the Month: – MG Midge Pupae.

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Update: Tom Tsklebar via email – Mark LaBarbera, executive director, is resigning as of July 10. Net proceeds from raffles and the District 1 April banquet was $17,469.23. As a result, Wisconsin Wildlife Federation has $1,746.92 to award as mini grants within the district.

Establishment of a Club Email: Mike Zicus/Walt Swanson – More testing is needed to verify this is working as intended and the correct procedures are documented.

Nebagamon Creek Culvert Removal Progress: – All permits are in place to start this summer. Paul Piszczek emailed us the following update on June 5th: “DNR is finalizing the project’s bid specifications and documents. Also, DNR is requesting extensions to land use agreements to allow more time to complete the project. Construction is anticipated later this summer and early fall.”

Family Fun Day: August 19th from 10 AM to 3 PM. Ed Chaplinski will contact Ken Lundberg to get the status.

Upcoming Events – Latest events will be posted on the Calendar https://bruleriversportsmensclub.com/category/club-calendar/.

The business meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.

Recorded by Walt Swanson