July 22, 2024 Meeting
President Dennis Pratt called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at Kro Bar in Brule.
Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Glen Hill, Courtney Johnson, Mick Killoren, Ken Lundberg, Dennis Pratt, Mike Sierszen, Dennis Smet, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko, Dean Wellman and Mike Zicus.
Minutes of the June Meeting: The minutes as written in the July newsletter was approved following a motion by Mike Zicus, second by Courtney Johnson and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: President Dennis Pratt reported for Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk that June’s beginning balance was $12,340.50, and the ending balance was $12,691.96 with the following expenses: JS – Fly Book (Second Printing by DocuCopies) $499.02; JM Screen Printing (48 hats) $672.00; Constant Contact (annual service) $391.30; Transfer to Savings (May Donations) $295.00; Katie Thompson (June newsletter) $200.00; The First Impression Group (400 lower river maps) $903.91. The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Ken Lundberg, second by Dean Wellman and unanimous approval by voice vote. President Dennis Pratt reported for Financial Secretary Dean Wellman that there were $2,415.00 in total deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and that the Club had 2 new members and 11 renewals. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Ed Chaplinski, a second by Jim Waletzko and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Committee Reports
Legislative, Audit, Education and Social Media Committees: Nothing to report.
Habitat: Dennis Pratt – The plan is to meet at 9 AM on Wednesday July 24th at Palmer’s Landing then a short drive and walk to Swamp Angel Creek Dam. This will be a small project. Bring hip boots as the work will be in shallow water. Next project will be on August 1st.
Scholarship: Mike Sierszen/Paul Helbach – Mike Sierszen introduced this year’s College Scholarship recipient, Ben Fromm. Ben thanked the club for the scholarship and all the fund-raising work to support the scholarship. Ben talked about his familiarity with the Brule River, Forestry work over the last few years, and his future plans.
Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – Ed reported that his son and nephew took some newsletters to a fly shop in River Falls. Ed also took some to the Hayward fly shop.
Other Business
Family Fun Day Planning – Ken Lundberg – Angelica suggested having bigger nets for fishpond, plus tubs to keep trout out of the grass to reduce stress on the fish. We discussed locating additional volunteers.
Fly of the Month – Dean Wellman – Black Ghost Steamer by Paul Gausman.
Spring Raffle – Mike Sierszen – Discussion on ticket sales. 150 tickets sold so far. Dean and Mike are keeping track of all the sales. Remaining tickets are going fast.
Challenge Center Canoe Trip – Smet – We have enough drivers for Saturday July 27th; however, people are still needed to assist clients into the canoes at Wild Cat and then out again at Winneboujou or the Ranger Station.
Upcoming Events – Please check our Club Calendar at https://bruleriversportsmensclub.com/category/club-calendar/ for the latest events.
The business meeting adjourned at 6:41 PM.
Recorded by Walt Swanson