Lost and Found
Found items. If you find an item, please report it to us directly using the "contact us" form on our website (click on Contact Us). Send us a detailed description of the item and where and when you found it. We will post a general description of the item on this page, asking the party who believes the item to be theirs to contact us and provide a detailed description to prove it's theirs.
Lost items. If you've lost an item, report it to us using the "contact us" form on our website (click on Contact Us). Send us a detailed description of the item and where and when you think you lost it. If it's been reported found, we will contact you about picking it up. If the item has not been reported found, we will post the information on this page. Maybe you'll get lucky, and someone using the website will have found it!
What to do with found items. Brule River State Forest personnel will hold found items at the Ranger Station in Brule for pick-up, but it's important that you first report things through our website if you want us to help "get the word out."
Brule River State Forest
6250 South Ranger Rd.
Brule, WI 54820
715-372-5678 – Phone
Items reported lost.
- Orvis collapsing wading staff in October 2023. Probably lost in the Bachelor's parking lot. Posted 5 September 2024.