April 24th, 2023 Meeting
Vice President Ken Lundberg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM at Kro Bar.
Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Glen Hill, Mick Killoren, Ken Lundberg, Mike Sierszen, Dennis Smet, Jeff Stollenwerk, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko, Dean Wellman, Mike Zicus and Ken Zivic.
Minutes of the February and March Meetings: The minutes as written in the March and April newsletters were approved following a motion by Tom Sklebar, second by Mike Zicus and unanimous approval by voice vote.
Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported that March’s beginning balance was $22,273.77, and the ending balance was $23,658.84 with the following expenses: ProPrint (February Newsletter – $30.16); Dennis Pratt (stamps and postage – $330.09); Katie Thompson (March Newsletter – $200.00); ProPrint (March newsletter and Expo handout – $205.18); First Impression Group (250 upper river maps – $405.12). The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Ken Zivic, second by Glen Hill and unanimous approval by voice vote. Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported for Financial Secretary Dean Wellman. There were $3,005.62 in deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and the Club had 15 new members and 39 renewals. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Mike Sierszen and a second by Ken Zivic.
Committee Reports
Legislative: Ken Lundberg – Nothing to report.
Habitat: Dennis Pratt – Tree planting project will be May 20th. Dennis Pratt will send out a Constant Contact email reminder. Summer habitat projects are scheduled for July 22nd and August 5th. Summer projects – Swamp Angel Pond removal (now have DNR approval) and lower Beaupre Creek streamside forest improvement.
Audit: Jeff Stollenwerk – Nothing to report.
Education: Dennis Smet – This year’s project is complete. Carrie Edwards will euthanize the surviving fry.
Scholarship: Mike Sierszen– College applications are starting to come in.
Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – Jim and Ed are dropping off the extra newsletter at places like the Bait Box. 199 renewals paid to date out of 382 listed members. Of these, 49 requested paper newsletters and 150 e-news. Dennis Pratt will send out a special Constant Contact dues reminder again in May.
Social Media: Mike Zicus– Couple of address changes came in. Inquiry on whether the Club ever considered an equipment swap page in the newsletter. A discussion followed.
Other Business
Spring Clean-up: Dennis Smet – Clean-up should be postponed until May 13th because of lingering snow in many ditches. Will meet at 9AM at the Brule Pavilion. This was approved following a motion by Glen Hill and a second by Mike Zicus.
Fly of the Month: Dean Wellman has chosen the ‘Ice Straggle Nymph’ for May. It’s a good fly for beginners.
Property Additions to Brule River State Forest: After receiving board approval, Dennis Pratt sent a letter to the Natural Resources Board regarding our Club’s support for the purchase of the lakeshore parcel within the Brule River State Forest boundary. The Club will send a support letter to the Joint Finance Committee when it comes up for a vote in the State Legislature.
Brule River State Forest Motts Ravine Native Community Management Area: Dennis Pratt received an email from Brule River State Forest regarding a request for a variance to the existing Forest’s master plan to expand the Motts Ravine Area of the forest. A motion to send a supporting letter was approved following a motion by Jim Waletzko and a second by Ed Chaplinski.
Wisconsin Conservation Congress Spring Hearing: Results can be found at: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/about/wcc/springhearing
Wisconsin Wildlife Federation: Tom Sklebar reported that the District banquet went well. Net proceeds were about $17,000 for the banquet. When the banquet committee meets this coming week, Tom will ask for $200 to support the BRSC family fun day in August.
Establishment of a Club Email: Mike Zicus/Walt Swanson – discussion on creating an inquiry@, no-reply@ and store@ email addresses rather than having Board Members use personal email accounts. Email accounts are $60 per year, per account. This was approved following a motion by Jim Waletzko and a second by Mike Sierszen.
Nebagamon Creek Culvert Removal Progress: All permits are in place to start this summer. Working on contracts.
Family Fun Day: To be held August 19th from 10AM to 3PM. Still can use additional volunteers for the various activities.
Future Meeting Locations: Ed Chaplinski will check with the owner of Crafty Rooster.
Upcoming Events – Our Club Calendar should be up to date – https://bruleriversportsmensclub.com/category/club-calendar/.
The business meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
Recorded by Walt Swanson