November 25th, 2024 Meeting

President Dennis Pratt called the online meeting to order at 6:05 PM.

Officers and Directors:  Present – Dennis Pratt, Jeff Stollenwerk, Walt Swanson, Dean Wellman, Mike Zicus and Ken Zivic.

Minutes of the October Meeting:  The minutes as written in the November newsletter were approved following a motion by Mike Zicus, second by Ken Zivic and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports:  Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported that October’s beginning balance was $11,900.82, and the ending balance was $12,052.57 with the following expenses: DW Reimbursement (50 mailing tubes) $117.90; Boy Scouts Troup 212 (river cleanup) $250.00; DP Reimbursement (July 13-Oct 7 expenses) $286.91; Katie Thompson (October Newsletter) $200.00; Pro Print (October Newsletter) $28.59.  The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Walt Swanson, second by Mike Zicus and unanimous approval by voice vote.  Financial Secretary Dean Wellman reported that there were $600.00 in total deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and that the Club had 3 new members and 2 renewals.  The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Ken Zivic and a second by Jeff Stollenwerk.

Committee Reports

Legislative, Audit, Scholarship and Membership: Nothing to report currently.

Habitat:  Dennis Pratt – Walt will reach out to Scott Anderson to see if there is interest in adding gravel by the Winneboujou Boat House.

Education:  Den Smet – Den will be picking up the fish eggs in the December 6th to 20th.  Superior High School and Northwestern Middle School teachers will have the aquariums ready.

Social Media:  Mike Zicus/Dennis Pratt – Dennis Pratt will be sending out the December issue this year, which will include a listing of our accomplishments and a membership drive.

Other Business

Board Election Ballot – Walt Swanson will be emailing our election ballot.  Results will be finalized on Saturday January 20th.  Ken Zivic has agreed to assist in the testing process.

Fly of the Month – This newsletter feature will resume in our March newsletter.

Great Waters Expo Booth Discussion – Ken Lundberg has decided not to lead the booth this year.

Upcoming Events – Please check our Club Calendar at for the latest events.

The business meeting adjourned at 6:27 PM.

Recorded by Walt Swanson