April 22, 2024 Meeting

President Dennis Pratt called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM at Kro Bar.

Officers and Directors: Present – Ed Chaplinski, Paul Helbach, Glen Hill, Courtney Johnson, Mick Killoren, Ken Lundberg, Dennis Pratt, Mike Sierszen, Den Smet, Jeff Stollenwerk, Walt Swanson, Jim Waletzko, Dean Wellman and Mike Zicus.

Minutes of the March Meeting: The minutes as written in the April newsletter were approved following a motion by Dean Wellman, second by Ken Lundberg and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Treasurer’s and Financial Secretary’s Reports: Treasurer Jeff Stollenwerk reported that March’s beginning balance was $9,232.99, and the ending balance was $10,226.91 with the following expenses: Pro Print (February Newsletter) $30.16; Katie Thompson (March Newsletter) $200.00; Pro Print (Business Cards) $80.92; Pro Print (March Newsletter) $96.60; Transfer to Savings (February Donations) $90.00; WI Dept of Admin (Raffle License) $25.00. The Treasurer’s report was approved following a motion by Walt Swanson, second by Courtney Johnson and unanimous approval by voice vote. President Dennis Pratt reported for Financial Secretary Dean Wellman that there were $736.00 in total deposits into the general fund since the last meeting and that the Club had 2 new members and 21 renewals. The Financial Secretary’s report was approved following a motion by Dean Wellman and a second by Ken Lundberg and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Committee Reports

Legislative: Ken Lundberg – Governor line item vetoed a few things. The Wisconsin Wildlife Federation is working to stop commercial lake trout fishing on Lake Michigan. Wake boats are coming under scrutiny for causing damage to lake shores and lake bottoms.  Legislation is being drafted. The herbicide 2,4-D used for selective broadleaf weed control may be considered for restricted use near water sources.

Habitat: Dennis Pratt – Our first volunteer workday, planting tamarack/spruce at Beaupre project site (Palmer’s Landing) will be held on May 18th. No other habitat projects have been finalized yet.

Audit: Jeff Stollenwerk – Budget committee meetings were held by email. Three major items were mentioned: The Club continues to be in good financial shape; the Online Store has shown continued growth; Investment CDs have ~5% returns. The Budget report was approved following a motion by Mike Sierszen and a second by Mike Zicus.

Education: Den Smet – Den and Dennis made presentations to >100 students at Superior High School and Northwestern. Comments were made about the positive reactions from the younger students receiving the new Club stickers. Carey Edwards has been taking care of the newly added Hayward and Washburn aquariums.

Scholarship: Mike Sierszen/Paul Helbach – Three applications received for college so far, expecting more soon. Nothing from Northwestern High School yet.

Membership: Jim Waletzko/Ed Chaplinski – All extra newsletters handed out. Ed mentioned visiting with two new prospective members.

Social Media: Mike Zicus/Dennis Pratt – Not a lot going on. Articles needed for the newsletter. Ken will do one regarding the steelhead opener.

Other Business

Spring Cleanup Date: Smet – This year’s spring cleanup will be held on April 27th (backup date May 11th). Den Smet made a motion to cover food costs with a second by Ed Chaplinski and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Family Fun Day: Attendees were asked to think about volunteering before the next meeting.

Lake Superior Trollers Veteran Event Support: Mick Killoren made a motion to donate $500 and a second by Paul Helbach and unanimous approval by voice vote.

Fly of the Month: Pass Lake by Walt.

Spring Raffle Items: Mike Sierszen – 300 tickets will be sold over 4 months. Drawing during the August meeting. Tickets coming soon.

Fly of the Month Book: The fly book is very popular. We’ve sold 31 thus far and have another 11 spoken for.

Wild Rivers Chapter Trout Unlimited Expo: Dennis Pratt and Ken Zivic represented the Club at this year’s Expo held in Hayward on April 6th. Doesn’t seem to be much additional Club store activity as a result.

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation District 1 Fund Raising Banquet: Ken Lundberg – Banquet seemed to be very successful.

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Annual Meeting: Ken Lundberg represented BRSC at this year’s meeting held in Wisconsin Rapids. He wrote a recommendation for Paul Piszczek for the outstanding fish manager award which Paul received. He accepted it for Paul who couldn’t attend. The board voted last month to reimburse him for his hotel stay. Ken is covering mileage and meals.

Club Store Items: Dennis Pratt made a motion for approval to replenish Club store items as needed, followed by a second by Ken Lundberg and unanimous approval by voice vote. Women’s hats were recently ordered because they were out of stock.

Wisconsin Wildlife Federation Grant Application Youth Outdoor Skill Events:  Application will be given to Tom Sklebar; however, it will be late. This would be used to support the family fun day.

Upcoming Events – Please check https://bruleriversportsmensclub.com/category/club-calendar/ for the latest events.

The business meeting adjourned at 7:27 PM.

Recorded by Walt Swanson