2024 College Scholarship Recipient

This year's Brule River Sportsmen’s Club College Scholarship recipient is Benjamin A. Fromm. Ben just concluded his sophomore year at UW-Stevens Point, majoring in Forest Management. He hails from Solon Springs, WI, and grew up fishing, hunting, and hiking the area with his parents. Early connections with the Brule River included working for the Brule River Canoe Rental company in high school, clearing downed trees along the river to ensure safe passage for canoeists. Ben is proud to call Solon Springs and the headwaters of the Brule his home. He volunteers with the Solon Springs School District, taking young students on hikes along the historic Bois Brule – St. Croix Portage Trail. He is also an officer with the UW-Stevens Point student chapter of the Society of American Foresters, coordinating meetings among industry professionals, landowners, faculty, and students. Ben works for the local family-owned Bell Timber Company concurrent with his university studies, marking trees for timber sales on publicly and privately-owned properties. Ben hopes to make a career of sustainably managing forestland across northern Wisconsin.

Mike Sierszen presenting the award to Ben accompanied by his parents, Eric and Julie.

Click on Past Recipients to see information on past Brule River Sportsmen's Club College Scholarship recipients.